Disable the ALL Edit Group
Before continuing your work you need to finish up by disabling the ALL Edit Group
Set Session Start to 01:00:00:00 and “Maintain Relative Position”
Reset the Session Start in the Setup > Session dialog to 01:00:00:00. In the following dialog you will want to “Maintain Relative Position” to keep the new edit at the start of the session and just reset the timebase ruler.
Finally copy (or just import if using separate drive for media) the new Quicktime file to the Video Files folder and import it into the session. The previous movie file may be discarded if you will not use it anymore.
Check Guide Track
By looking at the Guide Track you will now be able to easily identify where edit has been made. A split in the Guide Track clip group indicates that frames have been removed while a gap in the clip group shows where frames have been added.